Sunday, January 16, 2011


Teaching young university students is both an honour and a privilege. It is a real joy to teach these young and bright minds about fermentation technology. It is the duty or responsibility of the lecturers to ensure that they as their lecturers should be prepared and knowledgeable to impart the right knowledge on fermentation technology, to open up their minds and to bring out the best in the students.
These young students at such a prime age being exposed to university education are often not aware between what is right or what is wrong unless they are guided by their respective specialist lecturers. The lecturers should point out their mistakes and explain in interactive manner.
Most of these young students have often the wrong perception of their lecturers. In their eyes the lecturers are like giants and everything they say must be right.
I found it morally wrong if in classes such as fermentation technology which depends more on hands on exposures and going through the errors and tribulations of fermentation experiments be taught more by sales representatives of companies selling the fermentors. They are sales personnel and teaching is not their profession. They are not trained to carry out the fermentation experiments in a proper scientific manner. They might supply, set up and commission the fermentors. That remains that
Where are the lecturers who are teaching them? Giving notes or print outs does not mean anything in fermentation technology. Personally I have seen so many mistakes, errors not only in preparation of the fermentation process but in carrying out the monitoring. There is no clear conclusions that can be derived.
The experiments are not properly designed or carried out.
So what do you expect these graduates will be once they graduated from the course? Just pictures of them posing with the fermentors for their personal albums? How can these students later on compete to find the right jobs in fermentation industries when at the interview they will show blank faces when questions are asked?

Type rest of the post here.

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