Wednesday, January 19, 2011


One of the most consistent observations I have made in visiting institutions such as universities and research institutes in this country is the strong dependence on ready installed fermentors that are easily available from fermentor suppliers. These fermentors normally come completely assembled and with standard stirrers and sensors among others.
There seems to be poor attempts to remove or add certain components from the fermentors that are really necessary or unnecessary for the fermentation studies. It’s more the case of one fermentor ‘suitable’ for all applications. Or in a simple analogy one cooking pot that can be used to cook all dishes!
There are many advantages if we can modify our own fermtor
1 It allow our fermentor to be specifically configured purposely for our fermentation experiment
2 It allow us to cannibalize components from other fermentors which are no longer working to be reused in our fermentor
3 It allows us to add more components or sensors for the new fermentation process
4 It allows the use of our fermentor components to be used in other fermentor experiments
We get more savings and better utilization of our fermentor and ultimately giving us nore experience in managing and understanding our fermentor system
It is good if we have universal sleeves or adaptors to facilitate all these activities. Going to simple hardware shops will allow you to buy the same components at a much reduced price than what the fermentor vendor will provide
Additional components which we could add to our fermentor components should include various rotameters, peristaltic pumps, aquarium pumps, and even tachometer meters , ph meters ,among others and you will really see your fermentation activities becoming more productive and cheaper
Of course it is more ideal if you have your very own workshop to carry out the changes

Type rest of the post here.

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