Wednesday, October 14, 2009


For this one instance I am not going to write about fermentation technology. Instead I will be copying one of my daughters' essay. This essay describes her moment of her life before entering Seoul National University. Here goes...

It's snowing again today. And it's still snowing as I'm typing away this post.

There's just something very peaceful and serene about the falling snowflakes. The way they sometimes swirl around in random motion before finally settling down on the ground. And just as quickly, change their paths into a more direct motion. Falling straight in one direction. Then changing again, dictated by the whims of the wind.

It is a time for reflection. Especially since I feel like I can relate so well to the falling flakes.

Just like that period of time before it's going to snow. The sudden drop of temperature. A strong chill exists in the air. And no matter how strongly you turn on your heater, you just can't get completely warm. In that moment, you just know that it's gonna snow soon.

It's the anticipation.

You feel it in the air. Something big is going to happen. Something you have no control over. And just like how when you're finally greeted by the sight of snow, it is an amazing experience. Because suddenly your world is coloured differently.

Of course, it brings with it its own set of implications. But for the moment when the change is taking place, the only thing that matters at the moment is that change is happening.

You're well aware, hidden in that corner in your mind, that something else would come. That a few hours later when the snow melts away and hardens into ice, the ground would be slippery. You could slip. And you could fall and be bruised.

That's exactly how I feel right now. I can feel that something big is going to happen. Yet another chapter of my life is closing. And as I lift the corner of the last page, I can see random exposed words of the next page. You just can't help but read whatever was visible in that shortest flash of time. The words give you a clue. Random hints.

And your heart skips a little. In that moment, so many things could happen at the same time. In one second, your mind reviews the past, and skips right ahead to the future. You then go on to realize that the past was so cleverly crafted to bring you to where you are right now. That whatever that's happening at this time, may it be good or bad, plays the role of laying down the bricks for the road of what's to come.

It's going to snow soon in my life.

Type rest of the post here.

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