Thursday, August 20, 2009


Although the structure and function of fermentors are rigid, that doesn’t mean that you cannot modify or adapt your existing fermentors to suit a particular condition. A good fermentation technologist should be able to reconfigure the fermentor system to suit specifically to his needs. If you know or are confident in your fermentation technology you need not always rely on the expensive fermentors. You will choose, retrofit or adaot what ever fermentors you have.

One of the most common methods used by industries, even traditional fermentation industries is to use the concept of staggered fermentation. In traditional fermentation process because of the self protected nature of the fermentation and often the septic fermentation carried out you can substitute for cheaper fermentors.

Aseptic fermentation are for mono culture fermentation and where stringent control is necessary.

One of the techniques in fermentation that is often less understood is the use of staggered fermentation. In staggered fermentation you usually use a number of smaller fermentors and not a single or few large ones.

These fermentors are usually operated in batch mode. These batch mode fermentors are started a few days after one another to give a continuous flow or production. So as one fermentor terminated the previous one in mid fermentation and another one started

There are advantages and disadvantages using staggered fermention. It depends on the situation. It is very suitable in traditional fermentation where the fermentation substrate is seasonal with lows and peaks. During extra harvest the excess substrate could be held in large cold rooms and need not be processed immediately.

Staggered fermentation will be allowed to operate at a steady low flow of substrate

During staggered fermentation the use of minimal labour is possible. There is no need to sustain high labour when there is not enough substrate. The workers are also assured of continuous employment.

To be applicable in staggered fermentation, you have to have a higher number but smaller fermentors. You really need to know the fermentation dynamics when to start the series of fermentation. Thus close monitoring is a must for it to operate well.

Should anything went wrong you will only lose one fermentor’s content 

Type rest of the post here.

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