Wednesday, August 26, 2009


It is generally the common aim of most academics or scientists to be regarded as a CONSULTANT. This in itself does not mean other people cannot become a consultant.

If we analyse the term “consultant” it is the person to whom you consult or refer to. This often refers usually where the knowledge of a specialist or an expert is required. Meaning the consultant must himself have extra knowledge or experience than most of the rest in his field so his opinion will make a difference.

Strictly speaking, we can call someone is a consultant if he:

1 Have a greater in depth knowledge of a subject or a field
2 Have many years teaching and research experience in the field
3 Recognised as an authority in the field by his peers
4 Have advanced academic degrees especially at post graduate level
5 Have peer reviewed research papers in eminent journals in that field
6 Have membership of the learned society in his field
7 Have undergone all sorts of experience especially in his field such as the industries

From the above we can see the number of hurdles a consultant need to pass through before one can consider him a true consultant.
Nowadays it seems strange even a young graduate barely with a first degree and a few years experience will unashamedly called himself a consultant. Then there is the joke that a person is a consultant not because of his expertise but more to the fact he could not find a job!

The problem is what you learn in the University is not the same with what you learn in the industries. In the Universities it is a well known fact that two plus two makes four. Not so in industries

So the consultant talks with authority. It is not the amount of words or time he spent talking but the recommendations that he can give or the solutions to the problems. This does not mean that the consultant is always guaranteed right, but chances are he knows his field and will probably giving the best advice or opinion in a particular situation

As being said earlier there is no law saying that prevent anyone from claiming he is a consultant. But the true recognition if he is the true consultant depends on the above criteria.

What is common occurrence here is that the moment a person gets his PhD he is regarded as a consultant. Or if he is the head of the department then he is the consultant.

Anyone who will regard or employ these “consultants” is putting everything at risk and end up with a lousy piece of work. So please choose your consultant properly. Talk with him, interview him of his expertise and track record and then determine yourself if he is truly the consultant you want. Remember you are taking your own risks by taking this people. If anything goes wrong you are left to fend yourself!

It is strange these days that there are so called consultants who are almost willing to work for free. The whole idea is to create his own track record and “impress” the other customers of the future.

The fees of a consultant are definitely high. It reflect the amount of time money energy he has invested to be come a consultant. A good consultant is a professional!

Type rest of the post here.

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