Friday, November 25, 2011


The small cottage industries producing fermented foods are facing their greatest challenges today. Not only they have to face the shrinking market due to competition from bigger or medium size fermentation industries, but they are also facing the barriers and limitations enforced by health and GMP. They have no choice that in order to survive they have to expand their market and even going global
However, being in the traditional fermentation industries, small in size and output they lack the capital support and even the scientific technical expertise to ensure their survival. Traditional fermentation cottage industries too are recalcitrant to changes, still practicing the same method of production of their ancestors
They can survive as they are now but they will not be able to expand their market and will always retain their small niche in the market.
Only by increasing their size of production, improving their fermentation process technology can they hope to compete successfully
There are few possibilities they can do to survive:
1 Pooling together of resources by cooperatives to increase the volume of fermented food
2By forming a consortium they can afford to improve their fermentation facilities and employ food scientists to optimize their production
3 pooling together will allow them to invest in expensive scientific equipment and improve their technology of production
4 pooling together will eliminate competition among themselves and instead form a synergy to compete with bigger players
5 pooling together will allow them to acquire transportation to distribute wider their goods and increase the market
They should realize that the big industry players were once small cottage fermentation industries like them but they are willing to risk and take the step further

Type rest of the post here.

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