Monday, February 15, 2010


The good thing about the use of enzymes in various industrial processes amenable to enzyme activity is that the reactions are simpler, faster, easier to control and you do not have to worry much about unwanted side products or unwanted products downstream.
However in various industrial fermentations, the use of enzymes are restricted to a few steps which more than often are prelude steps before the real microbial fermentation process. The restrictions in the use of enzymes for industrial processes are often restricted by the type and suitability of the enzymes needed for the various processes in the complete fermentation process.
In industrial fermentations, the use of enzymes is more in the hydrolysis of substrates prior to its fermentation. This stage is often called the liquefaction stage where large molecules are broken down to simpler monomers to be easily used by the fermenting microorganisms. Enzymes too are widely used in the clarification process of various fermentation juices
Using the enzymes therefore help in making the fermentation process more efficient both technically and economically.
Enzymes are basically catalysts, whose main function is to speed up the specific reactions. In a way, the enzymes are no better than the inorganic catalysts used in many of the industrial chemical reactions.
The differences between enzymes and the inorganic catalysts are more in the sense organic enzymes carry out their reactions under a less demanding conditions. Their reactions are more under gentler physiological conditions found in the normal metabolism of the cells.
Organic enzymes are usually large protein structures which are easily denatured by conditions of extreme ph, temperature and salts and metals. The activity of these enzymes are not stable as they are easily denatured . Their active sites where the reactants interact are very sensitive to such conditions
Industrial catalysts operate under very extreme conditions of pressure, temperature, chemical toxicities which would not be suitable for the living microorganisms.
There is high demand today for enzymes to be used in various food and beverage industries among others. One of the biggest outlet for the production of enzymes is by the use of fermentation technology where the enzymes itself is the sought fermentation products.
Before discussing further the production of enzymes using fermentation technology let us acquaint ourselves with the type and location of enzymes in the microbial cells.
Many new students tend to fantasize the enzymes as equivalent to the magic elixir that can transform almost anything to anything. As we have said earlier the function of enzymes are nothing more than speeding up certain biochemical reactions. The living cell which contains cytoplasm within the membrane sac is nothing more than a complex mixture or soup of enzymes. Without enzymes it’s doubtful life will persist!
In reality the function of enzymes are very limited to carry out certain chemical reactions which involve breaking or making new bonds between the chemical groups. We classify enzymes by the nature of the chemical reactions they carry out!
We also classify enzymes by their location that is they intracellular or extracellular. Or we can classify enzymes whether they are constitutive or inductive, or whether they are soluble or attached
The nature of thee enzymes as stated above will determine the conditions for the production of the enzymes and its downstream extraction isolation and purification
Most industrially important enzymes produced by microorganisms are those which are induced and secreted out by the cells into the fermentation broth. It is therefore of great importance and cautions that only suitable microorganisms are used in the production of enzymes using fermentation technology. Common microorganisms used are Bacillus subtilis and Aspergillus oryzae
Much work and research are needed before these microbial enzymes can be used in large fermentors. What is most important is that at least the microorganism chosen must have the ability to produce the desired enzymes. The productivity of the microorganisms can further be enhanced by using various techniques of biotechnology such as gene manipulation
The enzymes produced by these microorganisms do not come in market ready forms! A lot of work needs to be done especially in the downstream activities.

Type rest of the post here.

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