Monday, January 4, 2010


One of my students used to ask me this question,
“What is the point of trying to understand the complexities of fermentation rheology, when rheology itself is not one of the common parameters used in monitoring the fermentation process?”
I threw this question to the class for deeper discussions..
The general consensus is that:
1 Rheology is an important and relevant parameter of understanding and controlling the fermentation process.
2The use of rheology part could contribute significantly in understanding the changes that occur during the fermentation process.
3 Rheological data could be used in trying to optimize the conditions towards optimum fermentation process.
4 Rheological data could be used to extrapolate the likely event of impending fermentation failure
5 The use of rheology data such as the type of non Newtonian fluid could indicate the right opportunity to change the mixing regime and save energy
6 Operating parameters could be adapted such as mode of feeding to control the rheology of the fermentation broth
7 The failure to use rheology as the online parameter is because there are no sensors that can measure rheology on lines for now, and not because rheology is not an important parameter!

Type rest of the post here.

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